Mangrove Planting (Online) Project 2021 at BPK Yard

Mangrove Planting (Online) Project 2021 at BPK Yard

Mangrove Planting (Online) Project 2021 at BPK Yard

12 November 2021 – TNS management led by Mr. Hiroyuki Kurosaki – CEO have jointly Mangrove Planting Online Project (New Normal Event) on the bank of Bangpakong river – Bangpakong Yard, due to the spreading of COVID-19 outbreak, we follow to the government’s guidance on COVID-19’s preventive measures. This year, we have arranged the Mangrove Planting Online Project by inviting employee who wish to plant the trees to register online and we have an operation team (Yard facilities) to planted 200 mangrove trees for us at Bangpakong yard.

This Mangrove Planting is important part of our CSR activity, it protects the coasts and ecosystems. This is very creative idea which is valuable for TNS and global environment conservation.